The scholarships offered and outlined below are intended to provide opportunities for young women in the Geelong region aged between 10 and 18 years to develop and pursue their musical talents and passions through their participation in the Sweethearts or Young Hearts programs.
As a unique long serving local not for profit music program, the Sweethearts Foundation is dedicated to:
- Empowering young women to be creative, skilled, expressive and connected to their world,
- Fostering gender equity, diversity and participation,
- Providing opportunities for direct music industry based immersion and development of musical talents, skills and knowledge.
For 2023 the following scholarships are offered:
Sweethearts Scholarship Horn Section Sweethearts Scholarship Rhythm Section

Young Hearts Scholarship Horn Section Young Hearts Scholarship Rhythm Section

Scholarship Terms and Conditions
The scholarship comprises full payment of 2023 annual membership fees for either a position in the Sweethearts main industry based band or the development band of Young Hearts. Scholarships are open to new applicants interested in joining our programs and current band members. Some scholarships may also include the provision of a musical instrument for the duration of the year. Applications received will be assessed through a panel process and if required followed up by an audition. Applicants will be notified within approximately 4 weeks from the date of applications closing. Scholarship recipients and Parents/Guardians need to understand that they will be required to meet the expectations set:
- Actively participate in, prioritise and attend all rehearsals/gigs as required unless otherwise approved through the Musical Director.
- Undertake private tuition of their instrument through an instrumental specialist and provide their contact details to the Musical Director.
- Take financial responsibility for damage, loss etc to any instruments provided
- If applicable, commit to completing all competency-based assessments as part of the Certificate IV in Music Course.
- This scholarship is provided on the understanding that, if eligible, the recipient will continue in the Sweethearts/Young Hearts program in 2024.
- Commit to providing formal feedback on the benefits of the scholarship, skills and knowledge gained to the Sweethearts Foundation.
Note: Special consideration will be given to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants. Failure to meet the expectations may result in the repayment of the scholarship to the Foundation. Feedback is not given on any applications submitted and the decisions of the panel are final.
Important Sweethearts Foundation program information for new applicants is available here
The number of scholarships are also limited, so please get your application in as soon as possible. Applications close 4pm, Thursday 8th June.